Expiration. A permit shall remain in effect until reissued, renewed or revoked or for such a period of time as specified in the permit. Permits shall not be transferable and any change in use, occupancy, operation, or ownership shall require a new permit.
Inspection Required. Before a permit issued, the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall inspect and approve the receptacles, vehicles, buildings, devices, premises, storage spaces or areas to be used. In instances where laws or regulations are also enforced by other departments, a joint approval shall be obtained from all departments concerned.
Retention of Permits. Permits shall be kept on the premises at all times and shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the premises and shall be readily available for inspection by the fire code official.
Revocation of Permits. The fire code official is authorized to suspend or revoke a permit issued, where it is found by inspection or otherwise that there has been a false statement or misrepresentation.